How to Build a Million-Dollar Runway in 12 Months 🥰

Edition 9 — June 9th, 2024

Today, I’m making you an offer. So read carefully :)

Think reaching a million-dollar runway in a year is impossible? Think again. With the right strategy and mindset, it’s possible. It starts with a shift to a solution-focused approach.

Most businesses fail aiming for a million-dollar mark. They chase short-term wins and hope for a lucky break. This approach fails (and deep down you know it).

Commit to a long-term plan, and everything changes. Your mindset shifts, and short-term results appear. I’ve seen this many times with my clients. Long-term focus is the key to success. It separates winners from losers. A long-term view leads to smart decisions. Short-term thinking leads to bad choices.

Here’s the truth: you’re stuck because you’re thinking short-term. That next 6-week program won’t save you. That next pitch won’t transform your business.

Symptoms of short-term thinking:

The Irony: Long-term commitment brings short-term gains

A long-term strategy might seem daunting. But here’s the kicker: it’s the key to short-term gains too. The secret? Building strong systems.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Pick a vision to guide any and all of your decisions

Your vision is your guiding star. It directs every decision and keeps you focused.

Example: A small branding studio in Portugal struggled with revenue and an overworked team. We set a clear vision: to be the top provider of eco-friendly tech solutions. This vision attracted the right clients and doubled their revenue in six months.

Step 2: Build simple, repeatable systems (nothing complex)

A simple, scalable business model is critical. Systems keep your operations smooth and consistent.

: A massive VFX studio in India was stuck with low-budget, short-term clients. We simplified their business model. They focused on high-ticket custom orders and exclusive workshops. This allowed the studio to scale and triple their revenue in eight months.

Step 3: Pick a mentor who knows

Most people who come to me are burned by coaches. They followed mentors who talked a lot, where book-smart, but never implemented anything.

: I worked with a motion studio in the Netherlands. They offered explainer videos because a “business expert” told them to. They ended up with super low-budget clients. Think USD 3,000 a video. After mentoring, they shifted to helping clients launch their crypto tokens with compelling videos and campaigns. This secured high-ticket, long-term contracts and got the company a stunning 8-figure company evaluation after only 2 years. The “business expert” didn’t see this because he wasn’t focused on long-term success.

Are You Ready to Break the Million-Dollar Mark?

Focus on these steps and build simple systems to hold yourself accountable. Yes, you can create a million-dollar runway in 12 months. Because it is not about quick wins but about setting up the right systems.

Ready to transform your business and build a million-dollar runway in the next 12 months?

Join our exclusive mastermind. We’ll guide you step-by-step to achieve this goal. Don’t miss this chance to shift from short-term struggles to long-term success. Apply now and take the first step towards mental freedom and financial growth.

Apply to my Mastermind here, we start this Tuesday :)

Marko 'Mentor' Pfann

p.s: Please share this newsletter with your friends and rivals. I'm committed to raising the bar in the creative industry so everyone can earn more, produce exceptional work, and find deep satisfaction in what they do.

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